Eiendom word aan GLA geskenk


 Global Leadership Academy (GLA) het grond gekry!!  Daarom kondig ons met opwinding aan dat ons beplan om in 2011 ons  eie skoolfasiliteite binne die pragtige Savuti-ontwikkeling te bou!   Dit is met gróót dank dat GLA die skenking van 5 hektaar van Fountains Estate aanvaar! 

ENGLISH Hiermee saam kom ons verbintenis tot die oprig van ‘n skool wat staan vir gehalte onderrig  en die Savuti Estate Development and placement of the school near to Fountains Mallontwikkeling van jong leiers  wat nie alleen die gemeenskap van Jeffreysbaai sal dien nie,  maar ook wyer impak sal maak.

Wie is GLA?

Dié  unieke Leierskapsakademie het ontstaan uit die werk van Global Challenge Expeditions.  Global Challenge Expeditions is ‘n organisasie wat jongmense tussen die ouderdom van 20 en 35 op ‘n jaarlange reis rondom die wêreld  begelei.  Leierskap,  dissipelskap,  dienskarakter,  avontuur, risiko’s,  alternatiewe denke  ens is enkele elemente van die program.  

Die uniekheid van die skool  lê  juis in die samevoeging  van jong,  entoesiastiese onderwysers wat deur hulle ervaring van diens in noodsituasies oral in die wêreld,  en in hulle geroepenheid om ‘n verskil te maak,  kinders wil bemagtig om hulle eie rol in die lewe te ontdek.   Hierdie ingesteldheid, saam met hul lewenslus,  kreatiwiteit,  avontuurlustigheid en die vermoë om werk te meng met pret, bring in die skool geleenthede vir  ‘n  opwindende nuwe benadering tot die opvoeding  van jongmense.  
In die keuse van die naam staan die kernelemente van die skool sentraal:   Met ‘n GLOBALE perspektief  fokus ons op LEIERSKAP  binne ‘n AKADEMIESE  milieu.
Die kernwaardes van die skool is respek,  omgee,  integriteit en uitstekende  werksetiek.

Wat bied die skool?

In 2011 word klasse aangebied vir Grade 8, 9, 10 en 11.  Onderrig sal apart in Engels en Afrikaans geskied.  Die onderneming is dat geen klas 25 leerders oorskry nie.  Die skool is geregistreer by die  Onderwysdepartement en die Nasionale  Kurrikulum  word gevolg.
Ons is opgewonde om met die nuwe grond tot ons beskikking goeie sportfasiliteite te skep.  ‘n Wye verskeidenheid sportaktiwiteite word aangebied, bv rugby, netbal, krieket, sokker, hokkie, muurbal, atletiek, branderplankry, swem en tennis.  Leerders wat aan  sportsoorte deelneem wat nie deur die skool aangebied word nie, se prestasies word deur die skool erken.
Ander innoverende buite-muurse aktiwiteite skep geleenthede vir leerders om saam met hulle onderwysers op uitreike te dien, op leersame uitstappies te gaan en verskeie inisiatiewe met pret en avontuur te beleef.

‘n Jaar in oorsigA unique school in the centre of a unique development

In Januarie 2010 het GLA sy deure in die Equinox Mall geopen en die skool sal steeds in 2011  hierdie fasiliteite gebruik.  In ‘n uitdagende jaar kan ons met onmiskenbare eer aan ons Hemelse Vader terugkyk op Sy goedheid en leiding.  Die leerder-getal staan tans op 96 en sal in 2011 ongeveer 150 wees.  
Leerders het op verskillende vlakke uitstekend presteer!  ‘n Paar uitsonderlike prestasies: Annet Zevenbergen het  tweede gekom in die landswye ATKV redenaarskompetisie.   Charné  Ferreira het ‘n platinum toekenning in die Amesa Wiskunde Olimpiade by die NMMU verwerf.  Daniel Chipps en Daniel Jeggels het OP kleure in branderplankry verwerf.
Personeel en kinders was betrokke by uitreike in altesaam 22 lande.  

By die skool se afsluitingsgeleentheid  het leerders die geleentheid gehad om hul hoogtepunte van die jaar uit te lig.  Heelwat het getuig dat die hele jaar hul hoogtepunt was!   Vir baie was dit die eerste keer wat...
... iemand in hulle geglo het!
... onderwysers werklik vir hulle omgegee het!
... hul op ‘n verhoog moes optree!
... hul sportonderwysers hul motiveer om hul eie grense te oorskry!
... hul lief geraak het vir skoolvakke wat hul “gehaat” het!
... hul Jesus Christus leer ken het!
... seniors met juniors meng en die skool hul  veilig laat voel!
... hul tweede kanse gekry het!
... fondswerwing-aktiwiteite soos die trollie-resies en deurnag-skool hoogtepunte geword het!

Ten slotte

Mag die geskiedenis wat in 2010 gemaak is met die ontstaan van die eerste hoërskool op Jeffreysbaai,  daartoe bydra om die gemeenskap van Jeffreysbaai tot in volgende geslagte te dien!  En mag dit nie hier ophou nie ..... GLA se visie is dat die rimpel-effek wyer sal uitkring sodat naas branderplank-ry en Billabong, die stranddorp ook bekend sal raak as n sentrum vir uitstekende onderrig en leierskapsontwikkeling!

Vir meer inligting rakend die Savuti Ontwikkeling, besoek gerus: www.savutiestate.co.za


Global Leadership Academy (GLA) receive land!

Savuti Estate

Therefore we announce, with great excitement, that we are planning to build our own school facilities in 2011 in the beautiful Savuti development area. It is with a tremendous sense of thankfulness that GLA receives the donation of 5 hectares from Fountains Estate.

We commit ourselves therefore to the development of a school that will ensure quality education and the development of young leaders who will not only serve the community of Jeffrey’s Bay, but also the rest of the country and beyond.Savuti Estate Development and placement of the school near to Fountains Mall

Who is GLA?

This unique Leadership Academy was started out of Global Challenge Expeditions. Global Challenge Expeditions is an organisation which sends young people between the ages of 20 and 35 on a yearlong journey around the world. Leadership, discipleship, a servant character, adventure, risk and alternative thinking are some of the elements in the program.

The uniqueness of the school lies especially in the participation of young and enthusiastic teachers who gathered crucial experience when serving in crises situations. Their calling to make a difference transfers to the students in order to empower them to discover their own roles in life. This attitude, coupled with a zest for life, creativity, an adventurous spirit and the rare ability to mix hard work with fun ensures an exciting new angle in the education and development of young people.

The key elements of the school are evident in its name: with a GLOBAL perspective we focus on LEADERSHIP within an ACADEMIC environment.

The core values of the school are respect, compassion, integrity and an excellent work ethic.

The school presents:

In 2011 the school will present class in Grade 8, 9, 10 and 11. Teaching will take place separately in English and Afrikaans. Our commitment is that no class will exceed more than 25 students. The school is registered with the Education Department and the National Curriculum is followed.
With the new land we are excited about the prospect of developing good sports facilities. We will have a wide range of sports which will include Rugby, Netbal, Cricket, Soccer, Hockey, Squash, Athletics, Surfing, Swimming and Tennis. Students who partake in sports which are not presented by the school will receive acknowledgement for their achievements in the sport.
Other innovative extra-curricular activities include: the opportunity for studentes to serve on outreaches with their teachers, to join education-friendly excursions and to experience a variety of other initiatives that include fun and adventure.

Overview of the year

In January 2010 GLA started in the Equinox Mall and in 2011 these facilities will still be used. It was a challenging year but we give God all the glory for his provision and care. Currently we have 96 students and will about 150 students in 2011.
On different levels our students performed exceptionally well. A summary of a few: Annet Zevenbergen finished second in the national ATKV Public Speaking competion. Charné Ferreira received a platinum award in the Amesa Maths Olympiad at the NMMU and Daniel Chipps and Danie Jeggels received EP colours for suring.
Staff and students took part in outreaches that together covered 22 countries.

A unique school in the centre of a unique development

At the school’s year end closing ceremony students had the opportunity to mention the highlights of their year. Many of them said that the whole year was a highlight!

For many it was the first time that:
- Somebody believed in them.
- Teachers truly cared about them.
- They had to perform on stage.
- Their coaches motivated them to perform better.
- They fell in love with the subjects they used to hate.
- They got to know Jesus Christ.
- Seniors mixed with juniors and that the school feels safe.
- They received a second chance.
- Fundraising activities like the Trolley Race and Stay Awake became the highlights!

To conclude

History was made in 2010 when the first High School in Jeffrey’s Bay was started. May this contribute to the serving of many generations in Jeffrey’s Bay. And may it not stop here. GLA’s vision is that the impact will have further repercussions past surfing and Billabong, but that this beach town will be known for its high education standards and leadership development!

For more information on Savuti Estate, visit: www.savutiestate.co.za